
The Great Leftovers Sandwich

by • november 5, 2014 • Grillrester, KöttComments (0)6924

I get asked quite often what I do with leftovers from a BBQ.  Reheating grilled meat can be a little tricky in that it is easy to dry it out and lose that wonderful flavour.

The other day I did a rather large BBQ when I had some mates around, including pork fillet, marinated chicken thighs, ribeye etc.  I made a lot more than I should of.

So the next day…I thinly sliced all the different meats, and layered it on a large loaf of bread, adding some cheese.

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IMAG2195 - Andrew Jacoel-Robertson

I then wrapped it up in foil and then baked it at 150c for about half an hour.  I made a quick dipping sauce or “jus” from vinegar, beef stock, garlic and a bit of chilli.

Slice and serve!

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